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Saturday, December 31, 2022


A LOVEFILLED & PEACEFULL 2023. Here`s “ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS” for U from a “MEDITATIVE MIND” ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS | Chakra Seed Mantras Meditation Music Meditative Mind, 4,95 mln. Subscribers, 139K, 11.396.696 views.26 nov. 2016 ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS | Chakra Seed Mantras Meditation Music Root Chakra Seed Mantra - LAM Chanting Meditation Sacral Chakra Seed Mantra - VAM Chanting Meditation Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Mantra - RAMM Chanting Meditation Heart Chakra Seed Mantra - YAM Chanting Meditation Throat Chakra Seed Mantra - HAM Chanting Meditation Third Eye Chakra Seed Mantra - OM Chanting Meditation Crown Chakra Seed Mantra - AH Chanting Meditation NEW CD-ALBUM: Album "7 Chakras Magical Chants" is now available for sale on ITUNES : ►For more Chakra Meditation Music, Chakra Guided Meditations, Chakra Chants and Healing Music please subscribe our channel: ►Meditative Mind music: BEST OF MEDITATIVE MIND MUSIC AND CHANTS COLLECTION ☯30 Days of Chants - Playlist ☯Chakra Healing Meditations - Playlist ☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music - Playlist ☯Gurbani Meditation Music - Playlist ☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras - Playlist ☯Healing Frequencies Music - Playlist Connect with Us

Thursday, December 29, 2022


THIS VIDEO HAS TO GO VIRAL. Gerard Rennick , SENATOR for QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, GREAT SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT ON youtubechannel "Reignite Democracy Australia", WITH 38,8K subscribers, 10K likes , 140.860 views, UPLOADED, DECEMBER 2ND , 2022 This is Senator Gerard Rennick. You can feel the passion in his voice. This is what TRUTH looks like. He knows every word, number, and fact like the back of his hand... These are the types of people we have fighting alongside us, and I am so proud to be on the same side of history with people like this. Well done Gerard ! My comment : Bravo !!! What a Fantastic Speech of this Senator Gerard Rennick. Never Mind the Greens & the Party of Labour etc . They are yust like in All parts of this World, Being Fools to Follow the iIllegal Orders & Mandates of their Governments. Because All of these Faulty & Lazy Politicians & Govt.Leaders are Being Bribed by Big Pharma & Big Tech & Big Money. They Should All be Fired by We The People. Do Not Vote for Any of These Sheep Ever Again & Stand Up for Your Rights as Individuals & Reignite Freedom. All Westernized Countries & Their People are Being Manipulated by the Big Bankers & Their Cronies. Go to for the Truth Behind the Veils of Illusion. Never Give Up the Fight for Your Freedom !!! for a FREEDOM IGNITING 2023

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

-> CRY FOR FREEDOM - Why cyborgs won't save the world (UPDATED). Pls.SHARE This Video FAR & WIDE !!!

1. CRY FOR FREEDOM - Why cyborgs won't save the world. Pls.SHARE This Video FAR & WIDE & SIGN UP HERE >>> ITS UPLOADED ON RUMBLE -> CRY FOR FREEDOM - Why cyborgs won't save the world (UPDATED) CLICK ON THIS LINK >>>>
2. I know that somewhere , everything I do, think & dream of is recorded…. Uploaded by ,stopworldcontrol, Published November 10, 2022, 161.220 Views Today
3. Welcome to AGENDA 2030. These words were written by IDA AUKEN , a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum Updated version with more evidence and testimonies from Trump and Hannity, saying that Biden is an imposter.
The agenda of the World Economic Forum, explained by Yuval Noah Harari, to create a new breed of humanoid cyborgs, that will rule over all of humanity.
The plan for a One World Govenment is being pushed as never before, by Globalist Entities.
This film contains the most important message humanity has to hear, in this time.
Download this video here: Let the CRY FOR FREEDOM go around the world.
Learn more here: **** Send This Video To All of Your Friends & Family & also send it to your family doctor, hospital, nurses , pharmacy Send it to Your Mayor, Commisioners, Pastors, School directors & Teachers Together We Can Stop the Corruption & World Control. You Were Born To Be Free !!!! Go To & SHARE THIS VIDEO FAR & WIDE. Thank U. I Love U. We Are ONE Humanity & Here To Help Each Other Out of that Cyborg Slave State & Mentality ! I Am

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Het blckbx Late Night jaaroverzicht 2022: Sluit het jaar feestelijk af met blckbx,

Het blckbx Late Night jaaroverzicht 2022: Sluit het jaar feestelijk af met blckbx,
KLIK OP DEZE LINK >>>> Mijn commentaar : "Bravo Blckbx. Ik heb genoten van jullie en ga dit ook delen met mijn vrienden op Telegram en misschien wel op mn Blog. Maar eerst wil ik jullie allemaal wijzen op deze belangrijkle video die wijd en zijd verspreid mag (moet) worden om nog veel meer mensen wakker te maken , waar we voor staan als er niet veel meer mensen echt wakker worden . Dankjewel en en ga zo door ! -> CRY FOR FREEDOM - Why cyborgs won't save the world (UPDATED) " BLCKBX, 158K abonnees, 14.187 weergaven, In première gegaan op 26 dec 2022 Bekijk de volledige uitzending ook via:
In een studio stampvol met oliebollen en kritische burgers praat Flavio Pasquino een heerlijke avond aan elkaar. Lachen, gieren en brullen om de waanzin. Bekijk nu deze knaller en geef jezelf een moraal-booster! Vanachter de desk worden redacteuren David Boerstra en Bas Reijnierse en onderzoeksjournalist Daan de Wit bestookt met de meest bizarre en spraakmakende mediamomenten van het afgelopen jaar. Die top 10 van gekste gebeurtenissen is mede samengesteld met hulp van de blckbx-kijkers! En in een heuse late night show mag ook een quiz natuurlijk niet ontbreken. Maar we zijn niet vergeten dat 2022 voor veel mensen een heel zwaar jaar was. Daarom vroegen we de blckbx-community wie er een steuntje in de rug kon gebruiken. In deze speciale uitzending trekt verslaggever Erwin Taams het land in om iemand te verblijden met dat welgemeende hart onder de riem, waarbij een traan wordt afgewisseld met een lach. Bekijk deze opkikker en sluit het jaar ook af met een grijns van oor tot oor! Bekijk de volledige uitzending ook via:
--- Waardeer je deze video('s)? Like deze video, abonneer je op het YouTube kanaal en steun de onafhankelijke journalistiek van blckbx met een donatie ➡ Over Stichting blckbx Stichting blckbx is een stichting zonder winstoogmerk die primair wordt gefinancierd door de donaties van haar eigen publiek. Voor de mensen, door de mensen en met de mensen is waar we voor staan. Hoewel we zorgdragen om de kosten zo minimaal te houden, zijn er toch doorlopende kosten om gedegen professionele onafhankelijke content te maken. Hierbij valt te denken aan de techniek, de regie, de redactie, de webredactie en het onderhoud van de studio. Daarom kan blckbx alleen voortbestaan via het eigen publiek, dus door jou. Als je deze uitzending waardeert en de urgentie van Nederlands grootste onafhankelijke nieuwsplatform inziet, dan kan je meehelpen om de continuïteit van blckbx te waarborgen. Alleen door (regelmatige) donaties kunnen wij immers onafhankelijke content blijven produceren en dit verder uitbreiden, met als doel om met elkaar - en met steeds meer - de wereld beter te begrijpen. Steun je ons? Doneren kan via - --- Wil je op de hoogte blijven? *** Twitter - *** Telegram - *** Facebook - *** Instagram - *** Linkedin -

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Kerst 2022 – een lied, een boodschap en de allerbeste wensen. SILENCE ✞🕊GOD-Family-Country,

Song Written by Julie Elizabeth . Performed by April Malina . CD Baby Pro (Publishing) LYRICS: Stripped of all that I once knew, So many things I cannot do. Do you think of me at all... Trapped inside these walls? While you're there on center stage, Will you speak up, will you be brave? Do you think of me at all... Hear my desperate call? No more silence please, Do not turn away. My life is worth the same. Hear my desperate cries, See my shattered dreams... You can make things right. Thinking this would save me... I did what you asked me to; But if it were you... Would you silence you too? I was loyal to the fight... I lined right up to do what's right. Do you think of me at all... Knowing I did fall? Now I'm burning black and blue, All this hate I never knew. Do you think of me at all... Though I do not fear your goal? No more silence please, Do not turn away. Our lives are worth the same. Hear our desperate cries, See our shattered dreams... You can make things right. So will you stand beside me... 'Cause I did what you asked me to? But if I were you, I'd never silence you... So don't silence my truth...✞🕊 via Stichting Vaccinvrij, Kerst 2022 – een lied, een boodschap en de allerbeste wensen Door: Joris Baas & Door Frankema op Dec 23, 2022 10:07 pm >>>> 24 Dec 2022. Eml. St Vaccinvrij , EXIT_19__Protocollen_voor_Covid-19, PDF , 42 Blz
Top 10 Belangrijke blogs *** Wat zit er in de corona-injecties? En waarom is het zo belangrijk dat we dit helder krijgen? *** Documentaire ‘State of control’ over de CBDC/ID – must see! *** G20-leiders beloven om wereldwijd een “digitaal gezondheidscertificaat” af te dwingen *** MIT-wetenschapper verbindt de COVID-19 mRNA-injecties met hersenziekten *** Must see: ‘De CBDC-nachtmerrie’ – hoe leven zonder contant geld eruit kan gaan zien *** Oversterfte kan nog steeds niet onderzocht worden – alles mag, zolang de Covid-injecties maar gespaard worden *** Nee, ik wil die prik niet. En dit is waarom! – 115 redenen om te weigeren *** World economic forum: de ‘miljarden’ mensen die zich hielden aan de lockdown-beperkingen zullen ook voldoen aan een ‘sociaal krediet’ *** Highwire – Del Bigtree interviewt Matthias Desmet over het denken van de massa *** Bijwerkingen van kindervaccins – drie docu’s die iedereen gezien zou moeten hebben De stichting vaccinvrij zet zich in om u te informeren over het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma en de Covid-19 injectie. Wij hebben een uitgebreide website, een nieuwsbrief en zijn actief op sociale media. Een donatie om ons werk te steunen wordt heel erg gewaardeerd

Saturday, December 10, 2022

EP 222 - Beth Noyes: Taken Aboard an ET Craft - Message For Humanity - S...

EP 222 - Beth Noyes: Taken Aboard an ET Craft - Message For Humanity - Space Ark Activations Journey to Truth Podcast, 8,9K subscribers, 658 likes, 5.540 views, In première gegaan op 8 dec 2022 JOURNEY TO TRUTH 2023 CONFERENCE Grafton Illinois, May 22 - 25 - GET YOUR TICKET TODAY ! STARSEED ADVENTURES Dec 11-16 2022 - Get your ticket today! Our website: Donate: Thank you 🙏 Merlins Lab Orgone Pyramids - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JTTTHANKS' gets you 15% off all cbd products through the end of November! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Use Promo code JourneyToTruth10 for 10% off ! Crypto payment option now available ! CLICK HERE: Shirts and Merch: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: Ascent Nutrition: Main Link: Beth Noyes: I grew up in northwestern suburbs of Chicago. Moved to Minnesota and started a family. I'm an RN. Had my experience in 1989 with 7 other people, told only my friends and family, because the culture then was much different towards experiencers. Now is the time for people to come forward. Hoping that, by sharing the experience, others might recall something similar or unlock helpful memories.

Kryon Healing Wednesday December - guest Elizabeth April

Kryon Healing Wednesday December - guest Elizabeth April, Kryon Lee Carroll, 62K subscribers, 1,1K. 13.637 views, Live gestreamd op 8 dec 2022

Friday, December 9, 2022

Court case David Icke vs IND can be followed live from the court ! Today, December 9th 2022, from 11 AM CEST Zitting 9 december rechtbank Noord-HollandDe rechtszaak van David Icke
tegen het IND is live te volgen via de volgende stream: Het is ronduit schokkend om het verweer van het advocatenkantoor Pels Rijken te lezen. Wij hebben alle relevante documenten online ter inzage gezet. Ik zal je zoveel mogelijk op de hoogte houden via mijn Facebook pagina (graag volgen), Mordechai Krispijn en via mijn Telegram account. Er wordt ons gevraagd of er kan worden gedoneerd. Mocht je een bijdrage willen leveren, dan kan dat via deze pagina.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

🙏 ❤️ Benjamin Fulford HUGE Intel: Satanic Rule Collapses !

🙏 ❤️ Benjamin Fulford HUGE Intel: Satanic Rule Collapses ! On RUMBLE Benjamin Fulford HUGE Intel: Satanic Rule Collapses! ( 👉 Channel “Patriots Base” , Published December 6, 2022, 18,415 Views 🙏❤️ Zie voor de NL vertaling , 👉 🙏❤️ See for the English Transcript : 👉 😊🙏

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 3, 2022, # 382 ( Dane Wigington ), Pls SUBSCRIBE & SHARE FAR & WIDE .!

**** Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, **** December 3, 2022, #382,, What happened to autumn? From hot to flash freeze, welcome to weather warfare. "Officials fear complete doomsday scenario for drought stricken Colorado River", the same is happening all over the world and this is just the beginning. Moisture that does flow across the Western US is being seeded with chemical ice nucleation elements that reduce precipitation even further. This process creates a cold dense atmospheric air layer that sinks to Earth's surface, temporarily lowering temperatures and often producing frozen forms of precipitation. *** What is the true cost of the engineered winter scenarios? *** Have climate engineering operations completely contaminated our snow? *** Has our air become completely contaminated from the climate engineering fallout? *** Who is funding the climate engineering ? *** Manhattan Project being carried out in our skies? *** What will be our collective fate if climate intervention operations are allowed to continue? !!!! All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. **** Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. **** Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. ***** Dane Wigington, **** Full article: 23.997 weergaven, 3 dec 2022, WEBSITE , To support Geoengineering Watch: Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008 Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and CLICK THE BELL to ensure you are notified of our new videos. To read or post comments on this video, please go directly to the article: Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video. Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008. To receive Geoengineering Watch updates, please sign up for our mailing list: Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering: To see firsthand film footage of the climate engineering impact on our forests and its vanishing inhabitants, view the new series: "Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington": In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch is producing a weekly “Climate Engineering News Q and A”: By submitting a question to this email , you are granting permission for your question and your first name to be read online. If you do not want your first name mentioned, please state that you wish to remain anonymous. Geoengineering Watch has conducted our first ever high altitude particulate testing. Film footage of the flight and lab testing processes are featured in “The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. **** This is a new 12+ minute insight segment on the upcoming film. **** This is a 4+ minute trailer of the groundbreaking documentary “The Dimming”: The latest and most effective awareness raising materials can be found at the links below: *** 2 sided color glossy informational flyers: *** 20 page fact and photo summary booklets: *** Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: *** To follow us on Facebook, click here:, . *** To follow us on Twitter, click here:, To follow the latest videos please subscribe to our youtube channels below: Dane Wigington *** The Dimming *** Geoengineering Watch , , Geo Watch To view the locations and photo credits of the images shown, click here:

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 10 Thanks So much for reminding MeUWeAll of the Awesome Series "The Fall of the Cabal" 🙏 Very Worthwhile watching & sharing again & again. 🥰😇❤️💪 DavidSorensenVideos, Published September 22, 2021 , THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 10 ( Part 10: Further exposure of Bill Gates, buying shares in companies active in the area of control, manipulation, censorship, human trafficking, and Adrenochrome. About Gates’ multiple visits to Epstein Island and his foolish denial, his investments in Monsanto, and his vaccination fetish... By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Music: Alexander Nakarada, Soimanislander, Punch Deck, Savfk, Ghostrifter *********************************************************** Also watch this Inportant video & subscribe to the publisher : Karen Kingston joined Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog and he asked her why she thinks so many people are still unaware of the unfathmable evil that has been perpetrated against the peoples of the world by their own governments and she replies: "That's what this comes down to. Why are people not waking up? Because their trusted leaders, their trusted family practitioners are telling them that these mRNA injections are safe and effective. "And it's orchestrated and it's repetitive. So it's the definition of gaslighting in psychology and in legal terms, it's the definition of Extrinsic Fraud, which means that experts, physicians, doctors, government officials, they're stating first, that these are vaccines and they're not vaccines by definition, by what was submitted to the FDA, they are gene-editing technologies and the FDA does not have a right to call a gene-editing technology a vaccine.

Monday, December 5, 2022

FULL INTERVIEW: Dr Jordan Peterson on COVID hysteria and the culture wars

FULL INTERVIEW: Dr Jordan Peterson on COVID hysteria and the culture wars Sky News Australia, 3,03 mln. Subscribers, 36K likes, 1.389.724 views, uploaded 28 Nov. 2022 Clinical psychologist, author and public intellectual Dr Jordan Peterson sits down with Sky News Australia host, Rita Panahi for a wide-ranging exclusive interview which covers : *** toxic femininity, *** climate change activism, *** Islam, *** Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, *** COVID hysteria, *** the culture wars and *** how conservatives can fight back.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 2022 Energy Update - The Energetic Leap

December 2022 Energy Update - The Energetic Leap, LeeHarrisEnergy, 265K subscribers, 5,1K, 80.429 views • published / In première gegaan op 1 dec 2022 Hi everyone, I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but the December Energy Update is here. Where does the time go?? A few of the themes for this month are: ✨ We Are Entering a Phase of the Energetic Leap - a Time of High Transformation. Starts in December, runs through to April, ✨ Underneath the Chaos of These Times, Seeds are Being Sewn, and finally, ✨ Allowing Trust to Return. ✨ We'll look at these and five additional themes in more detail, so be sure to watch the full Energy Update. Big love, Lee x Sign up for Rebirth 2023 - Dec EU - Join Lee's Annual Energy Update (Solstice Broadcast) - Timelines Album - The Portal - Timestamps : -- 00:01 - Intro 01:30 - The Energetic LEAP (Dec 2022-April 2023) - A time of high transformation - HARNESS IT ! - 05:16 - Staying quiet (internally and externally) is a powerful place to be right now - 07:20 - Underneath the chaos, seeds are being sown…which are yours? - 10:13 - Psychic overload needs grounding - be aware if you are newly getting connected to your spirit - 13:48 - Allowing trust to return - post trauma healing and a tender time of clearing, trusting again - 16:18 - Sobering truths that empower change - internal and external - 18:17 - Exhaustion and struggle becoming the anger + fire of change (positive or challenging depending on the event) - - 20:55 - Where is the heart magic found and created and where it isn’t

EP 221 - Lorie Ladd: Planetary Shift - Preparing For The Next Global Event

Via EP 221 - Lorie Ladd: Planetary Shift - Preparing For The Next Global Event, Journey to Truth Podcast,38,8K abonnees, 632 likes , 5.901 Views. In première gegaan op 1 dec 2022. JOURNEY TO TRUTH 2023 CONFERENCE Grafton Illinois May 22 - 25 - GET YOUR TICKET TODAY! STARSEED ADVENTURES Dec 11-16 2022 - Get your ticket today! Our website: Donate: Thank you 🙏 Merlins Lab Orgone Pyramids - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JTTTHANKS' gets you 15% off all cbd products through the end of November! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Use Promo code JourneyToTruth10 for 10% off! Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE: Shirts and Merch: Use promo code 20 ANDBACK for 20% off! To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: Ascent Nutrition: Main Link: Lorie is an ascension teacher and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. Lorie knew at the age of 13 that she was here to assist humanity through the ascension. It wasn’t until 1995 while at a workshop in Mount Shasta, she was shown her role in the ascension. She was here to assist humanity through the physical shift in consciousness, our great awakening. Lorie connects to the Galactic Federation of Light providing daily messages and guidance in navigating our ascension from 3D to 5D. She is reminding humanity of who they are and the power of their Light to shift the human collective. Lorie takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and digestible concepts. She teaches on the evolution of consciousness, connecting to your Family of Light and Being the multi-dimensional human. Lorie dedicates her life to assisting humanity in this planetary shift. She is honored to be walking side by side with all of you and she is humbled to be able to reconnect you to your beautiful Soul family who is waiting patiently for you. Lorie Ladd Youtube: Website: Instagram: @Lorie_Ladd Divine Design by Lorie Ladd: Thanks so much for sharing & caring