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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Earth, Teach Me

Earth, Teach Me
Published on 14 Oct 2012
"As goes consciousness, goes Gaia. As goes Gaia, goes DNA."
This is the teaching of Kryon for many years now. The earth has consciousness, it is alive. You can speak to it, and it to you.
The indigenous knew about this and they have prayers, blessings and rituals to support their beliefs. Perhaps this is why I feel very attracted to communing with the animals in nature and the natural world.
We each have this choice too - to connect with nature at a multi-dimensional level and not 3d.
This video is a culmination of a Native American prayer and my understanding of the purpose behind each teaching we ask of Gaia, which is to discover our own mastery.
Let us connect with this vibrant, living entity each day.
Thank her, love her, acknowledge her in ways that you feel drawn to. Look to the indigenous or look within to your inner teacher/guide for answers.
Much love to you in these wonderful days ahead.
Oribel Oribel is an interspecies communicator and she provides personal coaching on this subject. If you wish to learn to communicate with nature, you may contact her and learn more about this service through this link:

"As we begin to acknowledge Mother Earth/Mother Nature/Gaia and her kingdoms as our friends and partners on our journey, we will also begin to understand that they are here to support us in our path to inner mastery. We are each on a hero's path to discover our true nature and to begin using our powers to create a more benevolent earth that honors and respects all creations in all kingdoms and realms. We are discovering our multi-dimensional nature by moving away from duality. You are Source energy in a physical body. "
Category, People & Blogs

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