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Friday, February 28, 2020

In Praise of the World Health Organization -- Fake Pandemic is OVER -- F...

In Praise of the World Health Organization -- Fake Pandemic is OVER -- Final Analysis by Ex-Spy

13.6K subscribers
Let me start by praising the World Health Organization (WHO) for its totally sound decision to NOT declare a world pandemic. They are correct. This was a fake pandemic with the ultimate goal of forcing a universal vaccine with digital ID on everyone, starting with the European Union mandate led by France. As a former spy and top intelligence pioneer of holistic analytics and true cost economics I lay it out as I see it, and end by calling for a joint China-US investigation into the bio war, the 5G, the media war, the insider trading, and Bill Gates (my colleagues at NSA have every email, text, and call he has ever made, the President has not yet asked NSA for a total unmasking of all participants in the fake pandemic conspiracy). I made one mistake in this video: I forgot to mention pollution. That is the other contributing factor in China's high numbers of ill citizens. The fake pandemic is OVER. All that remains now is for justice to be done -- I hope that a proper investigation leads to the total dismantling of the Center for Disease Control (whose director Nancy Messonnier is a Never Trumper and the sister of Rod Rosenstein), and the indictment and incarceration of Bill Gates for crimes against humanity that include in the past the sterilization of millions without their infomed consent. The revolution has started -- the truth at any cost lowers all other costs, and I am pleased to say that for the first time in my third years of wandering in the wilderness as an intelligence reformer, I feel that the truth finally has a chance to be heard by We the People.

Category, Education

384 views, •28 Feb 2020. 892 SHARED on my BLOG
Pinned by Robert David STEELE Vivas #UNRIG
Robert David STEELE Vivas #UNRIG
Am shaking my head. I really hate dealing with liars at global scale. See for the final update and all prior posts, and see especially Jon Rappoport's phenomenal contribution on how to fake a pandemic (hint: everyone that dies is said to have died from the virus) and brainwash millions. I will respond to comments here (and ban for life any trolls with no content and no subscribers) and then I am done with this FAKE PANDEMIC. I pray that Bill Gates is properly investigated and that he and all his collaborators are ultimately subject to proper indictment, conviction, and incarceration. The public should be guided by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the recent court findings on no vaccine ever being properly tested, as well as the scientific literature (generally repressed) to the effect that vaccines specifically (and medicine generally) kill more people than germs do. We are out of balance. Time for global healing. As I communicated to President Donald J. Trump recently, public education = public health.
Thank U So much Dear Robert for Sharing this absolutely amazing & clarifying message. Shared on my Blog with Love & Gratitude. See .Aum
This could NOT be more plain. Thank you, Robert!
Patriot DarkToLight. 32 minutes ago. if we still prep for food ? or what ?
Robert David STEELE Vivas #UNRIG
I am a huge fan of localization and local self-sustainability. The two greatest authors on this subject are Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Elenor Ostrom. I have a video interview with Jim Fallows being posted soon, his book (with his wife Deborah) on OUR TOWNS is about how vibrant the USA is outside of -- away from -- the Washington two-party tyranny cesspool. Right now, despite our President's best efforts, Washington not making evidence-based decisions and the Deep State and Shadow Government still own most of the US Government. We need to purge abut 3,000 people in DC while also putting 1,000 traitors, elite pedophiles, and white collar criminals at the 100 billion dollar scale behind bars. So my short answer is no prep needed, it's over, BUT in the ideal we should be moving the whole country back toward state rights and county by county food and energy self-sufficiency.

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