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Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Dear Freedom Fighters,
Every day 22 (!!!) American patriots commit suicide, because they have lost all hope. That's why I have made a life saving video:
⭐️ 10 Reasons Why President Trump Will Win ⭐️

Yes, criminal Joe Biden - a pedophile and puppet of the Deep State - may be inaugurated, and play fake little 'president' for a little while. But he will be kicked out, and the true President - overwhelmingly chosen by the vast majority of America - will take his righteous place.

This fight is not over, it has just begun. So don’t worry, take heart, watch this video, and please share the heck out of it.


If for some reason you cannot access our website,
go here to view the video:

Attack Of Despair

There is an attack right now on what I believe to be a true military operation, called Q. For those who don’t know what Q is:

in 2017 high level military intelligence patriots started releasing short drops of information, that exposed the wickedness and corruption in this world. The purpose was to start a Global Awakening. The message of Q was basically: see the corruption, research it, spread the truth around, and help to awaken the sleeping public.

These military intelligence patriots were in fact raising up a worldwide army of digital soldiers, people who research, and reveal.

Q explained the level of deception in the world is so deep, they cannot fully expose everything right away. But by strategically starting to inform the public - through millions of citizen journalists - the power of deception could gradually be broken, so humanity could eventually see the full truth. A very wise and effective strategy!

It’s also these top level military who chose President Trump, to defeat the Deep State, and deal with the corruption.

Of course Q was attacked and smeared right from the start, but personally I have never seen solid reason to believe the accusations. I always felt a true heart behind the posts, a passion to see truth, and freedom break through.

Look at the Fruit

What is most important in discernment, is the fruit of the tree. If a tree gives good fruit, it's a good tree. A bad tree never bears good fruit and a good tree never bears bad fruit. Concerning Q I can honesly say, that I see tremendously good fruit from this operation.

hundreds of millions of people woke up from the mainstream media deception, and started seeing the widespread corruption in their nation.

On the contrary, with some big names that are now openly attacking Q, I always saw something unreal, a hyped up theatrical drama, that made me careful. Calls for riots and violence, that would cause mass destruction. Spreading of false information, that creates confusion.

The goal of this smear campaign against Q is to STEAL HOPE from American patriots, so they would commit acts of despair: either kill themselves, or start a civil war.

Both scenarios are death and not life. I truly encourage you to watch the video "10 REASONS TRUMP WILL WIN", wich gives a solid hope that America (and the world!) will not be given into the hands of the wicked.

Listen to Voices of Life

Step away from every voice that steals hope and ignites acts of despair. Know that there is a God far mightier than the powers of darkness, that are served by these satanic globalists. Know that we are in a time of judgment of evil and deliverance of the world. Know that there are good plans being worked out.

Hold on. Don’t step from the light into the darkness, don't sway from faith into discouragement. Keep the flame of hope burning.

Watch the video now and share this in patriot groups wherever you can: on Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, WhatsApp, by email…. Send it to law enforcement in your area, gunshops, mayors, etc.

Please, rise up to bring hope to the world.

This fight is not over, it has just begun for real. Rise up eagles, above the storm, see the future and let your loud cry be heard to the people below.


If for some reason you cannot access our website,
go here to view the video:

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