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Monday, May 27, 2024

IFORSEE 'Dedicative Edition' #newearth #visionary #healingjourney #poss... 😇A Very Happy & Healthy Mondaymorning, Dear Friends & Followers of this Blog 😄 How are U All doing on this "Memorial Day", as Celebrated in the VS & 🥰 the Start of Another Working Week in All other Parts of this Beautifull Planet ? ✌ Since I have received from the ONE Source, Our Beloved Creator of All & Everything in this Universe, the Gift of Discerment 😇, the 1st Thing I Want to Do, once I Wake Up & Recognize Something or Someone that I Know MUST BE SHARED Far & Wide 😊 All over the Blogs that I Keep since 2011 & the Social Media that I , as the Wayshower & Pioneer That I Am, Work on Each & Everyday since being able to Go on the Internet, ☺️Here is a Fantastic Video , 🥳👉, that Is Presented on the Youtube channel of Sunny Gault & the Chat on the Platform, UnitedNetwork.Earth & Called " In DEDICATION of KIMBERLEY GOGUEN", The ONE Who Started Up this UNIQUE PLATFORM, Inspired by Source & ❣ The ONE Who Is & Has Prevented UMeWeAll Dying From the Most Horrific Endgames of the Cabal/ Illuminati / Italian Maffia / Khazarians /Zionists & U name it , So Far ! 😅 Ever Since She . KIM , Took on the HIGH Mission of Being the GUARDIAN of this Planet (Starting from 2011/2012 ). 💪 Hope U ENJOY & Subscribe ❣ Thank U for Watching & Sharing.🙏 I Am Your Always Loving & Serving, Collegue, Sister & Friend. 🥰 See for more on my Mission & Links to my Blogs & Social Media, 😘🙏 Namaste

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