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Monday, November 25, 2024
🙏🏻✨️❤️ The Truth Can Change Your Life, 532K subscribers, 25 Nov 2024
#5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness
🙏🏻✨️❤️ Transcript
0:00. [Music]. greetings our dear earthlings .
Galactic Federation of Light have instructed me to give you a message of the great
importance. Now all the forces of light who are assigned to help earthlings with
their shift into a new dimension are summoned for emergency.
🙏🏻✨️❤️ The moment of truth is approaching when the threshold for overcoming problems must be determined.
In other words the degree of danger for people who are at the brink of survival as a result of natural disasters
which become increasingly destructive with every day,
🙏🏻✨️❤️ Why is it happening ? Humanity is too slow in turning its ship which have taken a wrong course leading them to destruction !
🙏🏻 In the preceding decades all the higher forces of the universe have worked to compel you to awaken , sending you numerous signs and cues
and also literal unequivocal information about an Ascension.,t he shift of your planet to another dimension into the new energy space
🙏🏻 There is an unceasing struggle between the forces of light and darkness for your minds and your souls and for your lives .
🙏🏻 Your Galactic brothers and sisters have joined in this process crucial for an entire universe, trying to help as many people as
possible to use this unique chance, stopping the wheel of the incarnations and returning them where they originally have come from
but these efforts strike an impenetrable wall, named 🙏🏻 inertia .
🙏🏻 That tiny part of the best representatives of humanity who have taken upon themselves the mission of bringing the true knowledge to the people
are perceived by the majority of the population as Fanatics cult members, dreamers in other words people not of this world
🙏🏻 But remember it is precisely such strange and unusual people swimming against the tide, who have led Humanity to the new levels of development,
opening the New Horizons for them, posterously they often have been called Brave , Genius & Wise , but during their lifetimes, they have been ridiculed ,
persecuted and sometimes even sentenced to death , 🙏🏻 so do not repeat this mistake again and again !
🙏🏻 Believe those who could help Escape U a boring & uniform life , those who have overcome the power of inertia
and have helped the voices of the Higher Powers , your Galactic family
and withstood the misunderstanding and mockery ,
🙏🏻Who stubbornly persevered to reach the goal planned by their souls and not by the Faceless consumer society ,
that sunk in the vices of Duality,
🙏🏻 Overcome your pride and try to hear and understand those who sincerely wish to help you to save your souls .
🙏🏻Those who are tired to be born again and again in the 3D world , where the cruel laws of survival will reign ,
where the world is ruled by the race of reptiloids who have seized the power on Earth
and transformed people into their obedient slaves .
🙏🏻 There is No time left for pondering .
🙏🏻 Your Earth is exhausted from endless waiting and already unable to keep on herself the burden of 3D World.
🙏🏻 The Earth throws it off with all possible means through earthquakes, and floods, through tornadoes and hurricanes, through tsunamis and Volcanic explosions
🙏🏻 and only you, our dear earthlings, could soften this process, changing your Consciousness,
ridding yourselves from negative energies, consuming you and transforming them into the energies of light and love
🙏🏻 Please change your mind and help us and the higher powers of the universe to save you .
🙏🏻 Without your understanding and participation, we won't be able to completely accomplish our mission for saving Humanity ,
which means that the greatest part of humanity won't be able to ascend with the Earth.
🙏🏻 We extend our hands to you and wait for your handshake in return...
🙏✨️❤️ 🏻The Galactic Federation of Light has instructed me to give you the following message
( at the 6:00th of the 17:26 minutes of this video )
✨️❤️ The excitement created by your media about the planet Nibiru approaching Earth , has had some real foundation
and now I will tell you what has really happened in these last days of this month what you call nibiru, is in reality nothing else
but a huge meteorite that has broken off from the unknown planet in another galaxy..
✨️❤️ It is traveling in our universe for a long time and we keep a constant surveillance over this huge object ,
which size is comparable with the size of a small planet. This meteorite represents a real danger for all the planets and civilizations of our galaxy.
The Galactic Federation of Light has decided to address this problem and has created a team of Specialists
from different alien civilizations which has developed a system of surveillance and a plan of actions
in case the meteor will come too close to one of the planets and will represent a real danger for them
✨️❤️ By doing that we have been able to avoid the meteorites collision with several planets of our galaxy
and the last such incident may have happened with your planet.
🙏 I will reveal to you the mechanism of influence on this Heavenly Body.
🙏 In general the meaning of the mechanism is that the beam of electrons focused in a certain way
is capable to change the trajectory of the flight of an object
🙏 This meteorite , like a Wandering ship , has been wandering through the universe for a long time
and only thanks to an unceasing surveillance of our ships from the Galactic Federation of Light,
it has not caused any harm
🙏 So far we are happy that we have helped the earthlings to avoid a catastrophe in this crucial moment
when the shift of your planet to the new higher vibrational space is coming to its ultimate stage
and we assure you that in the future we will do everything possible to protect you from any danger coming from the outside.
🙏 ✨️❤️ In the last month quite a few important events have happened in the space around Earth and also in the Galaxy as a whole.
🙏 ✨️❤️ First of all it concerns the SUN
Its energetic component has experienced significant changes. It has happened due to the qualitative jump in the sun's vibrations.
It is similar to a process when a person who has shifted to anew level of Spiritual Development & goes through a crisis with concurrent high temperatures.
🙏 The same thing is happening with the SUN and the SUN `S reaction to the Higher Level of Vibrations , unfortunately is reflected upon you ,
creating unusually high temperatures and also a sharp fluctuation of temperatures.
The fires that are blasting all over the earth now, are also a reflection of an unusual solar activity, because the SUN is an indelible part of the fire element
🙏 To help establish a complete balance on your planet , the SECOND SUN will soon come to help him .
🙏 His feminine counterpart that already possesses the necessary assortment of qualities that corresponds with the new vibrations .
🙏 ✨️❤️ The role of the FEMININE SUN will be to DECREASE the SOLAR ACTIVITY of Its MASCULINE COUNTERPART and by doing that,
to SOFTEN the CLIMATE on Earth to the moderate all over the planet
🙏 I will not explain all the details of this process because at this moment you only need to know that everything develops according to the plan and according to the scenario
developed by our creator and
🙏 ✨️❤️ the SECOND CHANGE on your Planet concerns the MOON , perhaps many of you have noticed that in recent times the MOON behaves quite unusually
appearing in different places and in different times.
This is also explained by her transition which is a necessary element of the entering together with Earth into the new higher vibrational energy space
🙏 On a SUBTLE PLANE , the MOON has divided into SEVERAL MOONS and gradually the NUMBER OF MOONS will be INCREADED TO SEVEN
when your EARTH ENTERS THE 5 D with its physical body.
🙏 ✨️❤️ All these changes are happening gradually and the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT is CONTROLLING this CRUCIAL PHASE IN the GALAXY PROCESS.
🙏 The main part of the process still happens on a subtle plane and remains unseen for you ,
but some signs of its descend into the physical plane can already be identified by your astronomers
and also by the space stations that stay on the orbit now.
🙏 I would like to calm and reassure you with this message and also would like to say that everything happens according to the plan
and this chord of eclipses that has happened in this month has become a border which will forever separate the 3D world
where your Earth is still staying from the new higher vibrational space where slowly but surely she is moving .
🙏 Now be assured that we are always near you and are always ready to come to your help .
🙏 ✨️❤️ Now I am instructed to give U a message of extreme importance today.
🙏 The most crucial period of your planet's entrance into the space of 5D has started now,
🙏 It's already impossible to turn back this process because all the heavenly bodies
that accompany Earth have entered a stage of their complete transformation
and of course the SUN and the MOON are the MAIN BODIES
🙏 ✨️❤️ What's new happening with the SUN .
🙏 The SUN is now is in the turbulent current of such unbelievable power
which is called for to extract from it a second sun, 🙏 its FEMININE HALF, which will gradually drive
out the MASCULINE SUN , 🙏 the ONE that is becoming TOO RIGID for the EARTH OF 5 D .
🙏 whose climate will change substantially.
🙏 That NEW MOTHERLY SUN will provide the Earth with a SOFT EVEN CLIMATE ,
very comfortable for its inhabitants I
🙏 Know that even now, some of you have been able to see a SECOND SUN , but so far it has been rather Sun's manifestation
on a subtle plane of Earth and you could see it in only some special circumstances , but soon it would take its lawful place in your skies.
🙏 ✨️❤️ The same thing pertains to the MOON
🙏 It is rapidly changing its parameters, color, shape and place in the skies and perhaps many of you
have noticed that sometimes it rises from the Horizon like a SUN LIGHTENING UP
up a HUGE SPACE AROUND IT and you become astonished by the size of its sphere.
That's how its transformation is happening gradually.
🙏 The moon will loose its functions as a nightly celestial body because on the 5D Earth .
🙏 The border between the night and day will be erased.
🙏 Because the day and night also have been the embodiment of the Duality, like Good and Evil, Light and Darkness
🙏 The Night has always evoked Fear in people, as its been associated with different superstitions with the coming of the Dark Forces .
And there is some element of Truth in that because just as Darkness is the other side of Light , so is the Night the other side of the Day.
That's why all the sorcerers rituals and the other dark Affairs have been conducted at night for ages .
🙏 But because the Darkness can not Survive on the NEW EARTH OF 5 D, it simply will be dissolved in the light of the high vibrations of 5D .
🙏 Then the Night as a Physical Embodiment of Darkness on Earth , would not be able to exist anymore
🙏 Therefore the MOON as indelible part of the NIGHT has to TRANSFORM into ANOTHER BODY ,
which will be harmoniously matched with the new conditions of life on Earth.
🙏 ✨️❤️ That's exactly what will happen very soon and the lunar eclipse in this month will be its beginning.
The body of the moon will be reborn and while it will continue to be an artificial satellite of the Earth,
it will assume completely different functions.
🙏 ✨️❤️ The MOON will balance the MAGNETIC FIELD OF EARTH.
Something that she has been doing before but now coming in resonance with the new parameters of your planet.
She will become some type of the regulator of energies promoting its equal distribution all over the planet .
It will not be expressed on the physical plane instantly and for some time the nightwill continue to change place with the day ,
but gradually the borders between them will be erased.
🙏 ✨️❤️ I know dear ones, that for many of you it sounds like a science fiction, but believe me, soon it will become a reality
and you will be accustomed to it quite fast, because the new parameters of the heavenly bodies will be for your good
and will bring only Pleasant Sensations into your life and this message must prepare you for the upcoming changes on the planet
and most importantly protect you from panic and fear which are so characteristic of the people who witness everything unfamiliar
and unusual
🙏 ✨️❤️ Ashtar Shiron, who loves you sincerely , has spoken with you , channeled by Marta.
English (auto-generated)
🙏 ✨️❤️ All Transcripts are from "The Truth Can Change Your Life " the video that I watched . 🙏 ✨️❤️
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