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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Standing Rock - El Paso" "Chase Iron Eyes" and "The Water Protectors"

Pls. Watch & Share my Friends. Thank U. I Love U. We Are ONE Humanity, sharing One Planet,  serving each other under ONE God.
I Am.

By Alænura Adams

In Memory of "Standing Rock - (El Paso)"

 Crude Oil is now flowing through the region, the work of the water protectors and Chase Iron Eyes lives on as a testimony to Human endurance and Love in Action...

 Human freedom and liberty is being held at Ransom

 ~ The work is only just beginning….

Featuring: "Chase Iron Eyes" and "The Water Protectors"

 This is the Time for Bold and Brave to Stand up for Human Rights.

 The Future is in Our Hands

 'We can Change the World'

 We can create a Revolution based on Truth, Peace, Love and Wisdom...

Deepest Gratitude to all the Efforts at Standing rock and all the Camps in the Dakota region.

 Special Thanks to Chase Iron Eyes and the water Protectors, Indigenous People and Tribes, All Nations, Wisdom Keepers, The 7th Generation, The Ancestors, The Veterans, Social Media, All those around the world who have made this Known and the dedicated Reporters and Film makers who shot some of this Powerful footage under extremely difficult conditions, including 'Democracy Now' and 'Aljazeera'.

 Thank You !

The Evolution of Humanity is taking place…

This is the time for us to step up and march forward and embrace our rightful positions as Citizens of The World.

"Let Us Continue to Protect what is Sacred"

 Awaken, Activate and Behold your Magnificence


Narrative Spoken by

 Chase Iron Eyes & The Water Protectors

5oo-1000 people are still at what was formerly known as Oceti Sakowin Camp, even though this particular Sacred Fire has been extinguished today by those individuals who created it.

 Stay if you feel in your heart that freedom is here.

 We may never get this opportunity for another generation.

Music El Paso

 By Alaena Adams

A Special thanks for all Footage and additional images

 With Sincere Gratitude

 Sacred Whisper

 Together We Fly In-Formation


Walk in Beauty


The MP3 is Available for download…

All proceeds Donated to the People of the region

(Kryon 2017 March) What's meant to be will always find a way

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Kryon 2017 March - Everyone can be a warrior!!

  • Kryon 2017 March - Everyone can be a warrior!!
    Gepubliceerd op 24 mrt. 2017
    Thank you for watching - Subscribe if you like - Come back again,
    Be possitive and love your life!!!!
    Kryon (Channeled by Lee Carroll) is a "Support" Entity,
    Expresing positivity in a beautiful ways.
    For more info visit:

Have a Great Day with Beautiful Thoughts - Inspirational Thoughts - Moti...

Friday, March 24, 2017

This Is How They Gave Back Sacred Items!

Listen to what Happened at Standing Rock ! Thank U Beautifull Soul, for sharing with us your experience about the way U are being treated. I stand with U in Prayer. Will share with Love & Respect for All of U Standing so Courageous & Strong , Protecting the land of the Americas. Know that U are Not alone in this Worldwide Fight to Save this Planet from the Greed & the Indifference of the many & the Violence that is sweeping the Sacred lands & poisening  Mother Earth, the Air & the Waters. Never Give up for in Spirit We Are ONE. In Lak`ech Ala K`in. I Am another U.
We Are ONE Family.  Pls. go to this site for the Bigger Picture

Monday, March 20, 2017

Benjamin Fulford 03/20/2017 Rothschilds surrender... USA Republic accept...

Thank U so much. Stay Strong , No Fear ! Infinite Love & Light in Peace of Heart & Mind to U, dear Benjamin Fulford & the Ones Uploading & sharing this, for Bringing us this Great News ! What a Way to Start of the Spring of the Golden Era to Be Cocreated by UMeWe & All who see the Importance of the New USA Republic & the New Adminstration of Pres.Trump, who see the Light & Truly Act on the Darkest Powers at hand. We Are All So Blessed by U & the Company of Heaven supporting us & All of U, in the Courageous Forces of Love & Light, in the US, the Pentagon, South America, China, Eurasia , Europe, Africa, the Middle East & Worldwide, the hard workers All over, in the Us Army  the CIA, the FBI & All of the Pioneers & Starseeds & Lightworkers & Beings of Radiant Light in & on this Planet, Standing as ONE for Freedom, Equality, as ONE Brotherhood of Men. We Are  ONE Human Angelic, Galactic Family, entering a New Reality where Only LOVE for All of Humanity is Real. We Are All Children of God & Here to Love One Another, as GOD Always Infinitely Loves Each of Us Unconditionally. An Abundance of PEACE to All of MeUWe. I Love U All. I Am in Love with All That Is. AUM.

Enduring Love

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trump Chosen by God To Stop America's Destruction - Astounding 2011 Pro...

ATF André - AA Michael - Prayer Wheel to eradicate Antichrist - 05FEB2017

ATF André - AA Michael - Prayer Wheel to eradicate Antichrist - 05FEB2017,
Published on February 6th 2017, uploaded by Matt Muckleroy Ascended Twin Flame André, Archangel Michael
  • Prayer Wheel to eradicate Antichrist, February 5, 2017
    by Christine Preston.
    As it is written in the Decree book, there are many legions and forces in the Great Central Sun, and they come down to the lower dimension as the armies of the Lord, together with Archangel Michael, the Defender in Battle, as well as other Archangels. They come down from every system and galaxy, and star, from the highest realms and descend to planet earth for the deliverance of souls, children, men and women, and nations. They do this when you call them. This is because of the law of non-interference. It is necessary to given them authority to go into action because in some case it might go against your own free will and the Forces of the Light never interfer with human freewill. The Woman clothed with the Sun of the book of Revelation is a symbol for mankind giving birth to a new consciousness as it is the time for the awakening upon the path of Ascension. Ask that Archangel Michael may be blessed with dispensations and that such armies may be sent from the higher realms so he may be able to continue cleaning out the astral plane, as well as free mankind from the indoctrination that has kept it in bondage to the dark forces. You may pray to the Elohim of God and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, as well as the Cosmic Councils of the Sun, for an intercession so that Archangel Michael may fulfill his inner vow to defend the souls with the thread to the I Am Presence. Those souls are the Church and the symbolic bride that is the mystical body of God. In other words, one denomination called Church or spiritual group does not have more value than another, because the true Church is the mystical body of God and the Lightbearers in the whole world, whatever their religion or race.

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Consequence of Revelation

·      The Consequence of Revelation
March 12th. 2017, The New Message from God.
What you are hearing is the Voice of Revelation speaking through the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. Hear more original Revelations of the New Message from God at
·       Ben Fulford Mar 13 2017 World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns
Gepubliceerd op 13 mrt. 2017
Some pretty wild claims about the black sun leaving the universe being the norway spiral.
related articles:

(Kryon 2017 March) This life is yours

meditatie DE OUDE JAS

Wow, wat een prachtige mediatie, lief bijzonder mens , Janosh, heb jij ons gegeven ! Dankjewel ! Heerlijk die Ruimte en Vrijheid te voelen van het opgaan in een Witte Ruimte , naar de Nok van de piramide en dan naar die andere Witte planeet waar we onze verlangens en verhaal hebben mogen delen met een prachtig wezen van de Witte broeder/zusterschap. Ik start mijn week in het Volste Vertrouwen dat Alles Goed komt . Wij Zijn Liefde en Dat is wat we Hier op Aarde komen brengen in de Verbinding van het Hart. Ik Ben Liefde . Ik Ben Licht. Ik Ben Vrijheid. Ik Ben Eenheid. Ik Ben een andere Jij. In Lak`ech Ala K`ìn. We Zijn EEN Familie. AUM. Namaste

Ga naar voor meerdere Fijne Webinars en Prachtige Aanbiedingen !

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Published  on February 24th 2017 by Sacred Whisper (AlAeNuRa)

Awaken, Activate and Behold your Magnificence .
THIS IS THE TIME , Music By Alaenura . Blessed Be

AL AE NU RA For further Information, Music downloads and Personal Sessions with Alaenura please Email :  or visit :,
#humanevolution #Transcendence #eleveneleven #Throughthedoorway #2017forecast #Happynewyou #ALAENURA #extraordinarytimes #Spiritualguidance #Starseeds #Worldbridger #Sovereignty #Earthlymission #greatchange #Starlight #Flyinformation #Channelledmessage #Walkingeachotherhome #TruePurpose #NewHuman #HumanJourney #StepintoyourPower #DNAactivation #NewEarth #NewHumanTemplate

Ron Paul Incredible Video Twice Removed YouTube

Monday, March 6, 2017

Kryon Makes Bold Predictions and Gives Detailed Information About Humani...

Kryon Makes Bold Predictions and Gives Detailed Information About Humanity's Future
Published on March 5th 2017 , Upload by ModernGalaxy .
Kryon describes a benevolent peaceful future for humanity full of abundance and bliss. Newport Beach, California Sunday - December 7, 2014 "Spiritual Evolution, The Energy of the Future"
• Kryon's New Channeling From Egypt Sets High Expectations For Humanity in 2017
Gepubliceerd op 15 feb. 2017
In his first trip to Egypt, Lee channels a moving message from Kryon full of powerful information on human consciousness. From the Luxor City audio. We are obsessed with the Kryon books that Lee Carroll has Published. Its a different way to absorb the same amazing information and it also helps support Lee in his effort!
Lee's and Kryons Amazon Page

Your Spiritual teachers in your Path of Transformation ~Covenant with Ma...

Friday, March 3, 2017

Aufruf Dr. Raths an die Menschen Deutschlands, Europas und der ganzen We...

Introductie aflevering I Arjan Bos & Martijn van Staveren | M002

(Earth Matters) Eindelijk is het zover: Earth Matters TV is een feit! Nu de studio operationeel is, zijn Arjan Bos en Martijn van Staveren de eersten die structureel vier programma's met elkaar gaan presenteren.

Crowd Power
In dit live-programma gaan we met de kracht van de menigte aan het werk. Als mensen zijn we met elkaar verbonden en dat aspect willen we activeren. Kijkers kunnen thema's aandragen waarmee we gaan werken. Met bepaalde oefeningen kunnen we - vanuit respect - invloed uitoefenen op zaken die een fundamentele bijdrage leveren aan het welzijn van ons bewustzijn. Dit gaan we in de uitzending met elkaar bekrachtigen.

Heilige Huisjes
We zien nog geen 1% van de wetenschappelijke realiteit. Nog geen 3% van ons DNA is aangesloten en slechts 5% van onze gedachten zijn bewust. Dat in ogenschouw nemende zijn we allemaal ziende blind en horende doof. Toch zijn er vele rotsvaste overtuigingen in onze samenleving over hoe zaken in elkaar steken en daar wordt liever niet aan getornd. In Heilige Huisjes nemen we met een open houding een breed scala aan rotsvaste overtuigingen onder de loep. Van Egypte tot reïncanatie, van de big bang tot de economie en nog veel meer. Kijk naar Heilige Huisjes en unplug the Matrix!

Fringe Weather Report
Het weer wordt extremer. Steeds vaker zien we grote hoeveelheden vliegtuigstrepen in de lucht en vinden er bijzondere natuurfenomenen plaats. In de uitzending kunnen kijkers hun beelden delen en er iets over vertellen. Ook worden er actuele en historische weeranomaliën uit het nieuws belicht.

Buitenaards Contact
Als vrijspreker deelt Martijn over zijn vele ontmoetingen met een keur aan buitenaardse mensen. Met hem bekijken we het recente nieuws over ufo's en buitenaardsen. Ook kijkers kunnen ervaringen delen in de uitzending. Alles is bespreekbaar. Zowel de meer positieve als de meer negatieve - van euforisch tot traumatisch en alles daar tussenin - ervaringen en verhalen zijn welkom.

Van de aardbeving in Japan tot groene lichtverschijnselen in de wolken bij Groningen; van de Matrix tot het menselijk potentieel en hoe we dat met elkaar kunnen aanboren; van hoe de programma's in elkaar zitten tot de intentie waarmee het wordt gemaakt; en vooral wat jij, de kijker, daarin kunt betekenen. Ook stellen Arjan en Martijn zichzelf voor en vertelt Arjan over het ontstaan van Earth Matters. Dat en nog veel meer is te zien in deze introductie-aflevering.

Wil je bijdragen met een foto, video, verhaal of vraag? Stuur een e-mail naar:

Data van de uitzendingen:

Vrijdag 5-jun, Introductie programma (niet live)
Vrijdag 12-jun Fringe weather report 1 (niet live)
Woensdag 24-jun 20:00 uur Crowd Power 1
Vrijdag 10-jul Heilige Huisjes 1 (niet live)
Vrijdag 31-jul Buitenaards contact 1 (niet live)
Dinsdag 18-aug 20:00 uur Fringe weather report 2
Donderdag 3-sep 20:00 uur Heilige Huisjes 2
Vrijdag 11-sep 20:00 uur Buitenaards contact 2
Dinsdag 15-sep 20:00 uur Crowd Power 2
Maandag 21-sep 20:00 uur Fringe weather report 3
Maandag 12-okt 20:00 uur Heilige Huisjes 3
Donderdag 29-okt 20:00 uur Buitenaards contact 3
Dinsdag 3-nov 20:00 uur Crowd Power 3
Donderdag 12-nov 20:00 uur Fringe weather report 4
Donderdag 26-nov 20:00 uur Heilige Huisjes 4
Donderdag 10-dec 20:00 uur Buitenaards contact 4
Dinsdag 22-dec 20:00 uur Crowd Power 4

Ben je enthousiast over wat we gaan doen? Deel deze video dan met je vrienden, abonneer je op het Youtubekanaal, deel je gedachten hieronder en hou onze nieuwsbrief in de gaten.

Graag tot 24 juni 2017 bij Crowd Power live in de uitzending!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Donald Trump, The Media, The Illuminati and The Starseeds

Thank U Dear Magenta ♥. I appreciate your views & all of the commenters very much , as I always try to understand why things are happening in the Greatest Shift of the Ages.  Its a Shift in Consciousness,  so we all are invited to look from a Higher Perspective. As a European I like to look at all thats happening in the USA,  as much as I can,  with objective eyes . I have watched many Great video`s from people who share a very Unique perspective on Donald Trump being elected. As for me,  I am very relieved  that Hillary has not been elected , as I am pretty sure that what will be revealed about her & the Pizzagate scandal & the Clinton Foundation etc,  will make Everyone agree to it , that U wouldn`t want her to be the leader of your country. I Am thankfull for U mentioning Alex Jones Channel & David Wilcock & Wiki leaks, as I agree they are being very clear that We All Need Disclosure to the Full , so as to Judge the Bad Situation the US & All of this  Planet is in. Certainly when we look at the Environmental isssues ♥ I believe that All is Being Guided from Above & that someday,  when more people could really surrender to Gods Divine Plan & even Accept it & learn to Live from the Heart ♥ & Take Responsability for their own Happiness & Health,  we will all be much better of ! It all starts with Us ♥  All is  ONE & All Is LOVE & All is Interconnected & We Are All Here on this Beautifull Pllanet to Learn to Love God & Love our Neighbours & Friends & Family as We Love ourselves.  ♥ N ░ A ░ M ░ A ░ S░ T ░ E ڿڰ ಌ ♥   “LOVE is the KEY !!! Lets Share it... “  ♥, Some of the latest video`s * links here for U : President Trump Full Speech to Congress 2/28/17,, Uploaded by Base Patriot , 615.763 views, Today, 1 hr 06 minutes & Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows. &