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Thursday, August 17, 2017

White House Covering up Galactic Federation of Light -Fmr Sen Mike Gra...

Published on 18 Jul 2013
Fmr Sen Mike Gravel speaks out to the Mass Media on the Truth of Disclosure. - May 2013

White House spooks within shadow corridors are covering up the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Galactic Command/Solar Star Command and Inner Earth Agartha, for the fear of losing power of enslaving Humanity. Former Sen, Mike Gravel speaks up and ask for change within the Military Industrial Complex and Governments on an open hearing on Inter Galactic policy, allowing this to unfold and for the information and truth to be known and for the hidden technologies to be released -

The UFOs are the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Galactic Commad / Solar Star Command and Inner Earth Agartha.

The UFO community have been deliberately been high-jacked within the Intelligence community to suppress the real agenda and to place fear and images and all sorts of misinformation to misguide the topic into the sci fi section and twisted stories through Hollywood movies, and using their reverse engineered crafts ro stage fake out of space abductions, and stage cow mutilations for the public within the UFO community and investigators to be mislead on the topic. It's a decoy plan by the controllers controlling the issue to mislead, and guide the truth to their scripted plot to control the masses in fear of the subject. It's counter intelligence plan by the controllers to place fear, and misinformation in peoples minds to control the Earth population in one direction. This is to hinder and alter and lag Disclosure of your Space Family, which the organization and also their agenda have been managed by the controllers to have you thinking their way.

The spooks are running scared and know its far too late in game to cover up the truth, people are wise to know they the UFOs which known are not what is depicted in hollywood movies and what they talk about being a threat. People are waking up, awakening within their minds to see the truth and the false illusions of the controllers using fear and misinformation to control the topic. on the other hand one thing they fear is people actually making Peaceful contact with Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ashtar Galactic Command ship in Earth skies.

NO FEAR, NO HATE, ! Just be in Light and in oneness ! =)

Sen Mike Gravel, and other congress members were given the truth by the Citizen Hearing:

From April 29, 2013 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, political leaders, and military/agency witnesses representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress on the evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was an unprecedented event in terms of size, scope and the involvement of former members of the U. S. Congress. With over 30 hours of testimony from forty witnesses over five days, the event was the most concentrated body of evidence regarding the extraterrestrial issue ever presented to the press and the general public at one time. The Hearing was also broadcast live over the Internet.



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