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Monday, November 13, 2017

Awakening into The 144,000 - Jennifer Lucas - November-11-2017

Published on 11 Nov 2017
Awakening into the 144,000, Narrated by Jennifer Lucas,
Next is a revealing conversation with a dear soulmate of mine. Christine Preston who is a messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. She wrote, 1000 I Am Presences created 12 Higher Selves who then created 12 extensions [6+6 twin flames], and these are the Mystical Body of God on 'Earth', the 144,000 Saints who were not defiled as stated in the Book of Revelation, and they are symbolically the true Church that is not physical, but souls, the Bride of Christ because we integrate Christ consciousness.
So, with all this, I remembered my first etheric encounter with Ascended Master Jesus.
Here is only one experience of a personal revelation I have had. This was a waking vision or as I call an etheric travel, of Ascended Master Jesus (Yeshua, Immanuel) also known as Sananda.
Back in August 2012 I found my self walking on a crystal bridge. It looked like a transparent rainbow flowing towards the way I was walking. In front of me, I saw a brilliant white glow with gold radiating from what it seemed to be like a dome. It did feel as if I was in a City of Light.
As I got closer, things became more refined. I could see structure and towers shaped without edges. I felt enclosed as if I was inside a place in space or dimension.
I was very vivid and aware that I am here in this place. It felt so familiar.

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