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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Deva Premal Om Purnam Mantra

Deva Premal Om Purnam Mantra

60.7K subscribers
Deva Premal - Om Purnam (Shanti Mantra)
OM Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
OM Shanti Shanti Shantihi
That is the whole.
This is the whole.
From wholeness emerges wholeness.
Wholeness coming from wholeness,
Wholeness still remains.
Peace in my heart, peace with each other, peace in the cosmos. "...
This is one of the most significant statements ever made anywhere on the earth at any time.
It contains the whole secret of the mystic approach towards life. This small sutra contains the essence of the Upanishadic vision. Neither before nor afterwards has the vision been transcended;
it still remains the Everest of human consciousness.
And there seems to be no possibility of going beyond it.
The vision is that the universe is a totality, indivisible; it is an organic whole.
The parts are not separate, we are all existing in a togetherness: the trees, the mountains, the people, the birds, the stars, howsoever far away they may appear - don't be deceived by the appearance - they are all interlinked, all bridged.
Even the smallest blade of grass is connected to the farthest star, and it is as significant as the greatest sun. Nothing is insignificant, nothing is smaller than anything else.
The part represents the whole, just as the seed contains the whole...

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